NDIS workers are highly skilled professionals dedicated to supporting and developing the independence of people with disabilities. But right now, many workers are being cheated out of thousands of dollars a year. Unscrupulous employers deliberately misclassify workers to pay them as little as $24/hour, while pocketing the difference from the full NDIS price. This is ripping off workers by up to $16,000 per year. This is wage theft, plain and simple.

This wage theft isn't just unfair to NDIS workers. It also: 

  • Impacts people with disability: A demotivated and underpaid workforce can't provide the quality care that NDIS participants deserve. 

  • Widens the gender pay gap: The disability support sector is female-dominated, so wage theft disproportionately affects women. 

  • Wastes taxpayer money: When employers steal wages, they're stealing from the public purse.

Sign our petition – end wage theft in the NDIS!

Our voices are powerful. Sign this petition and demand action.

We need to close this loophole and stamp out dodgy practices in the NDIS that rip off workers, taxpayers, and people with disability. We need an NDIS workforce that is properly paid, trained and supported to build the best NDIS.

We need to end wage theft in the NDIS to make the NDIS the best it can be.